Friday, August 3, 2007

...on my way HOME

Back in the States by Sunday... after having taken a little me-time in Kenya and Uganda. Mad trip report to follow after I've slept.

But here's a teaser: on the way from Kampala to Jinja, through the window I spotted a paperboard sign hastily stapled to a lightpost. "Marburg Confirmed in Kampala," was written in bold, black strokes. It's cool and all that I'm (we're) being warned, but... umm... a streetsign? Shouldn't there be more, uh, emphasis? I mean, Marburg Disease is not the kind of thing you want kept secret, y'know? Bleeding out of the eyes and all? Dropping dead because your insides have liquified??

Shit. I was eaten alive last night at the hostel. And now I'm on my way to whitewater raft the Nile. I wonder if the doxycillin I've been taking as a Malaria prophylactic is enough. How much Off do I have?


NA said...

Yay! Have a safe trip back.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you're on your way back! I've been thinking about you. Have a safe trip!

carrie m said...

yay! safe travels!

miss bee said...

you know, somebody read my blog in Kenya, i kind of assumed it was you.

i guess the military doesn't black out IP addresses or anything...

anyway, safe travels!

Lemon Gloria said...

Sigh, Justin, don't you know what a paranoiac I am? Did you really have to mention this? I'm always wondering, when I get a cold, if it's bird flu or plague, and now I have to add Marburg to my list of possibilities.

And please, please post some Kenya and Uganda pics when you get a chance to write about your fun time travels!

WILLIAM said...

Justin, welcome back. Hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

oh my god. i haven't clicked the link for marburg but i'm scared for you.

be safe! stay on the doxy. i was on that when i had lyme disease really bad (it's in my system for life now, though) and it helped keep it at bay. hopefully it'll help. : /