Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ignore me.

I am posting this having consumed a significant amount of Tusker's beer.

Nonetheless. I earned my wings today. Hooray. And the reason for the celebration. Or so I'm told. Or believe.

I miss her - S. And her - Madison.

And I would trade neither Scott nor Adam for anything in the world.

Six days or so 'til my relief gets here. Thank God.

I think I'll have a headache tomorrow. Or today, as it were. Gah.


Mood Indigo said...

Oh my god - I should send you a picture of all the Tuskers I took down in Nairobi last month! I almost flipped when I saw a guy at the coffee shop with a tusker shirt on Saturday. He tipped me off to an Ethiopian restaurant in Berkeley that serves them - glad I know where to get my Tusker fix more locally now :)

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Tuskers. Hope your hangover is not so bad, though. Cheer up and think positively!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Tuskers, either. You should take 2 Tylenol PM after drinking a lot. Always helps curb hangovers. :)

startingtoday said...

Six days...

Stay safe.