Monday, July 16, 2007

that which does not kill me

I have been delayed. My relief won't get here for a week or two... Bah.
Oh well -- good things come to those who wait, right?

(I suppose it happened because I'd been too happy about it. And I likely talked about coming home waaaay too much. I jinxed myself.)


inowpronounceyou said...


Anonymous said...

Justin you ignored or forgot the First Rule of Direct Support - Never Believe Them Until You Are Actually There.

Anonymous said...

I love those demotivators. I still need to get one for my office (I've been saying that for a year now)

So will you be back in time for the HH?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're delayed...

Jo said...

Oh I just laughted out loud at that picture.

Somehow very fitting right now.

WILLIAM said...

I heard you're on your way back. Have a safe trip.